Case Study | Kanda

Driving Growth With Existing Customers Through Compelling Storytelling

Narrative Development | Content Creation and Editing | Communications Strategy | Digital Communications


Kanda is a UK company whose unique platform lets contractors create quotes that include financing options for customers to manage renovation costs and ensure contractors get paid swiftly. However, Kanda had reached a growth hurdle when they reached out to Curious Public. Central to their challenge was getting existing customers to continue using the platform. They also wanted to improve how they engaged with and onboarded new clients.


We analyzed Kanda’s business model, marketing, and communications and found that the company needed better tools to help contractors explain the platform and financing options to their customers. For example, contractors loved Kanda’s direct billing feature but struggled to explain the financing options available — a value add for contractors’ clients. 

Curious Public interviewed Kanda’s customers and company insiders to unearth the opportunities and challenges for the business. The feedback confirmed the stumbling block for full platform adoption. We also discovered Kanda’s primary customers (contractors) fell into two distinct groups: younger contractors who were tech-savvy but unestablished with customers and older tradespeople more resistant to tech adoption but more established and trusted by customers.  Both groups are working with limited time, so any narrative created to empower them while promoting Kanda’s features had to be blunt, honest, and build trust quickly. 

We created a new brand narrative for Kanda positioning the company as a paperless alternative, focused on making contractors’ lives easier and securing work:

Send a quote. Offer finance in five minutes. Get paid no matter what. Win better work. Save time.


The new brand narratives and company insights we gave Kanda inspired the company’s website rebrand and gave additional strategic direction and marketing support. Since our initial project together, we have continued to support Kanda with content creation and media pitching to business, start-up and tech sector outlets.

Case Study | Humber College

Demonstrating Innovation and Impact for a Prominent Post-secondary Institution

Narrative Development | Content Creation and Editing | Communications Strategy | Digital Communications


Industry-led innovation is happening rapidly. Humber College recognizes that being on the inside track of innovation is critical to long-term success for students, faculty, businesses, and community partners. That’s why the college created its Centres of Innovation (COI) Network — five centres of innovation that bring together industry and community partners, college students and faculty to develop new solutions to industry challenges.

Humber engaged Curious Public to help them showcase the COI Network by crafting an impact report and accompanying social media campaign to communicate the unique value of the Network to its three key audiences: partners, students, and faculty.


Curious Public interviewed the college’s leadership and the COI Network stakeholders to unearth the nuances of each innovation centre’s value, impact, storytelling opportunities, and educational and economic benefits. We wrote the COI Network’s inaugural impact report from these insights, showcasing each centre’s innovation in real-world problem-solving and the direct wins for all stakeholders. We also crafted core narratives and key messages for the three COI Network audiences. Finally, Curious Public executed a social media strategy to promote the report’s release supported by key messages for each target audience.


The narrative solidified the COI Network’s unique value proposition for each audience: helping students master cutting-edge technologies, inspiring faculty to rekindle their passion for teaching, and helping partners revolutionize their operations. The Impact Report showcased how much the COI Network has already accomplished and set up benchmarks to measure its future success.

Since launching the COI Network, Humber College has been recognized as the second top research college in the country by Research InfoSource Inc.

Case Study | D2L

Creating Communications Strategies and Executive Platforms for a Leading Education Technology Company

Executive Reputation Management and Thought Leadership | Narrative Development | Issues Management | Content Creation and Editing | Speechwriting | Media Training


One hurdle almost all technology companies face is a conversation about sector disruption overpowering the one about net benefits. D2L — a Canadian education technology company offering  an online  platform for learners and trainees of all ages  — is not exempt. D2L’s goal is to transform technology to improve learning. So, D2L came to Curious Public to make sure their goal of supporting and improving education (and Canadians’ access to it) would ring true in their messaging. That would help the company lead larger conversations about skills development in Canada, without getting lost in the weeds of online versus in-person.


Our role was to find ways to tell compelling stories about D2L that said less about their specific products and more about the company’s support of education transformation and its belief in everyone’s right to the best possible learning opportunities. 

We interviewed the company’s employees, executive team, and stakeholders to give us a complete 360° view of the company — its people, mission, challenges, and impact. From these interviews, we developed and delivered an overarching brand narrative and key messages for the company that crystallized its benefit to Canadian students, teachers, the overall education system, and the workforce. 

We also used the process to develop and deliver communication platforms for key executives at the company. 

These narratives became the basis for Curious Public to create an ongoing series of communications products like speeches, media Q&As, news releases, backgrounders, opinion pieces, blog posts, and more for both the company and its executives. These narratives also became a guide for D2L’s internal teams to manage the consistency of messaging and positioning.


Our communication campaign and products have helped D2L further its reputation as an expert in the dynamic areas of education, continuing education, online learning, and upskilling. Our writing and consultation support has also helped develop impact reports and communications for major stakeholder events.

Our Work

Creating Communications Strategies and Executive Platforms for a Leading Education Technology Company

Executive Reputation Management and Thought Leadership | Narrative Development | Issues Management | Content Creation and Editing | Speechwriting | Media Training

Case Study

Demonstrating Innovation and Impact for a Prominent Post-secondary Institution

Narrative Development | Content Creation and Editing | Communications Strategy | Digital Communications

Case Study

Driving Growth With Existing Customers Through Compelling Storytelling

Narrative Development and Communication Strategy | Content Creation and Editing | Executive Reputation Management and Thought Leadership

Case Study

Developing a New Research and Knowledge Centre With Canada's Leader in Women's Health

Strategic Planning | Narrative Development and Communications Strategy | Content Creation and Editing

Case Study

Unifying Multi-channel Communications for an International Children's Charity

Marketing and Communications Strategy | Narrative Development | Content Creation and Editing | Communications Training

Case Study

Supporting a Health Care Tech Company From Startup to Thought Leader

Narrative Development and Communications Strategy | Executive Reputation Management and Thought Leadership | Content Creation and Editing

Case Study

Rebranding a Region to Promote Diversifying Communities and Economic Growth

Narrative Development and Communication Strategy | Content Creation and Editing | Competitor Analysis | Social Listening | Strategic Planning

Case Study

Issues Management and DEIB Training Series for One of Canada's Top Independent Schools

Issues Management | Brand Reputation Management | Media, Communications, and DEIB Training

Case Study