Storytelling 101

The best story wins. It wins attention, it wins investment and it wins media coverage. Curious Public’s Storytelling Workshop helps you understand how the principles of good storytelling can help you stand out. We get you working with each other to practice storytelling. And then we help you apply those lessons to your work.

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Clear Writing

Curious Public’s Clear Writing Workshop is a hands-on course that helps you turn complex writing into clear writing that educates, engages and activates audiences. You’ll learn the principles of clear writing, how to identify unclear writing and how to overcome bad habits. Along the way, we’ll also touch on the basics of good storytelling and the secret to writing with purpose. The course includes a take-home editing assignment.

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Media Training (for Beginners or Advanced)

The communications landscape has changed a lot, but media is still the best way to get your story out there. Whether you’re showing thought leadership, introducing a new product or service, or defending your point of view, navigating media is tricky—especially when you’re trying to deliver a 20-second sound bite. That’s where we come in.

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AI Best Practices for Communicators

This 3-hour workshop is designed to give communicators a comprehensive overview of artificial intelligence (AI) and its practical applications in communications. The workshop will cover AI fundamentals, best practices for integrating AI into your work as well as a hands-on exercise using AI tools for content creation. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to effectively use AI to support their communications activities.

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Integrating AI Into Your Workflow

Building on our AI Best Practices for Communicators workshop, we are excited to present our “Integrating AI into Your Workflow” workshop. This advanced session dives deep into how you can use artificial intelligence (AI) to boost your team’s productivity. Learn to measure and maximize AI’s impact across your team’s research, content creation, editing, and other operations. Our hands-on approach ensures you’ll walk away with real insights and skills to upgrade your operations with AI.

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The Art of Presenting

In this 3-hour workshop, participants will learn the strategies and skills needed to craft and deliver a memorable presentation. This interactive session gives participants a chance to work collaboratively and creatively while putting into practice storytelling and public speaking.

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Communications Planning

In the sage words of Yogi Berra, if you don’t know where you’re going, then you’ll end up someplace else. You could have the most powerful story in the world, but how do you know it’s going to take your organization where you want it to go? Curious Public’s Communications Planning Workshop gives you a way to think structurally about any communications activity you can think of—from a simple social media post to a full-blown campaign.

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Elevate Your Elevator Pitch

In Partnership with Corporate Speech Consultants

Nothing is harder than giving the ‘elevator pitch’ about yourself – a brief, impactful description of what you do, and why it counts. That’s not your fault. You know yourself, and what you do, too well. But you’re not a writer, and you’re not a presenter. You’re a leader. And that’s where we come in.

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Give the Speech of Your Life

In Partnership with Corporate Speech Consultants

Whether you’re an aspiring leader who wants to get more attention, or a seasoned leader who wants to shake things up a little – sometimes, a great speech is just the way to do it. We work with you to write something incredible, and polish your performance so you stand out.

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Our Other Courses

  • Speechwriting
  • Digital Storytelling for Startups
  • The Art Of The Briefing Doc
  • Intergenerational Communication with Gen X, Y & Z
  • Crisis Communications Planning and Training

We can also design and deliver a customized training workshop tailored to your communications needs.

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