There’s a song by Ben Abraham that goes: “I’ve never been worse, and I’ve never been better. And I’m in love with the person that I’m becoming but I’m more insecure than ever.”
In communications, we’re often taught that we shouldn’t contradict ourselves. And if you’re in the middle of a crisis, conventional wisdom (and likely your legal department) dictates that you never admit fault and remain absolutely, robotically consistent to properly defend your brand.
Here’s the problem though – humans aren’t consistent. In fact, one of the core truths about us humans is that we’re maddeningly inconsistent. We’re a hot mess of intellectual contradictions and conflicting emotions. We can – and often do – hold two seemingly incompatible ideas or feelings at the same time.
Consider Oscar Wilde. When he was dying in a shabby hotel room in Paris, he supposedly said: “This wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. Either it goes or I do.”
Humans are often funny – sometimes very funny – in the face of personal tragedy.
Consider the choices we make. Research tells us that paradoxically, the more choices we have, the less satisfied we are with the choices we make.
It’s like what BJ Novak said in The Office: “I want guidance. I want leadership. But don’t just, like, boss me around, you know? Like, lead me. Lead me… when I’m in the mood to be led.”
Why are we such contradictory dumpster fires? Probably because life itself is a paradox: we know we’re gonna die. Every year, we unwittingly live through the day of the month that will eventually be written in our obituary. That’s mind-blowing. And yet we buy new shoes, make dinner, go on dates, and laugh at TikToks – actually enjoy ourselves — like an existential meteor isn’t heading straight at our noggins every day.
And yet – so much of communications is based on sharing one simple feeling or idea at a time.
Think of the commercials you’ve seen that promise you if you buy the product they’re hawking, you’ll be happy. Think of the speeches you’ve heard that tell you if you vote for Politician X, all your problems will be solved. Think of the Twitter feeds that tell you the world is doomed – doomed I tell you! – because there’s just no hope for anything. (I recently recorded an Insta reel about this BTW.)
All of it is nonsense. The world – and all of us – are more complicated and messier and paradoxical and darkly funny than all of that.
Which is one of many reasons Artificial Intelligence is so bad at creating content that feels authentically human. The AI algorithm is being fed with tons of frivolous ad copy and feel-good stories and self-help blogs that are based on nothing but the comforting BS we tell ourselves.
And here’s where Communications Professionals Like You™ can make a difference. Here’s where we can up our game and show our value.
We can help the people we work for be better humans.
Imagine a political speech that starts with something like: “look, I don’t have all the answers. But here’s what I think we should do.”
Imagine a corporate apology that says: “yeah, we really dropped the ball. Here’s how we’re going to make this better.”
Imagine ad copy that hilariously mocks the very idea that a gadget can change your life for the better even as it sells you on the product.
Some of the best, most creative campaigns embrace the contradiction at the heart of humanity. Some of the greatest art does that, too. And as communicators, why wouldn’t we strive to write and make stuff that’s creative, profound and authentic?
That’s why, this month, Curious Public’s Webinar for communicators talks about “Why You’re a ‘creative’ — and why it matters now more than ever.”
Check it out on June 19.
It absolutely won’t change your life. ZERO chance. But it could give you a great perspective on your career, and an edge on all those pesky robots trying to take your job.

Lloyd Rang
President and Narrative Lead for Curious Public. Lloyd is one of Canada’s leading communications and crisis management experts.
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