February 21, 2024
Death by 5,000 Cuts: More bad news for Canadian media
This time the bad news was Bell, announcing layoffs of nearly 5,000 people, shuttering more media outlets and canceling local newscasts – including the decades-old flagship investigative news program W5 (which will be “repurposed”). And who is to blame? Why, the Feds of course, says Bell.
October 20, 2022
What Brands Can Do After an Image Meltdown: A Lesson Through Liz Truss
What do you try to communicate when your brand has just been reduced to a smoking crater? Executive Consultant, Leadership Strategy and Media Relations expert Jeff Keay weighs in on the hard lessons learned through Liz Truss.
June 17, 2022
On Truthfulness
Honesty is expected from organizations, no different than with our own personal circles. To thrive, you have to embrace authenticity if for no other reason than a lack of authenticity will be called out and exposed.
March 26, 2021
Awakening to a New Normal
As increasing vaccination rates signal the real possibility this pandemic could finally be over, Jeff Keay looks ahead at what we'll need to do to re-engage in the post-covid world.