Are Comms Jobs Creative?

Is Comms creative? And if it is, how do we make Comms professionals MORE creative?

Curious Public Senior Writer Shannon Currie recaps the top takeaways from our latest episode of Comms In Question: Why you're a 'creative', and why that's more important than ever.

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“Received and Understood”: Building trust in your internal communications

“Received and understood” became a catchphrase of the day in our most recent episode of Comms In Question: How internal comms can drive external results. Shanon Curries captures the key insights panelists shared when it comes to a successful internal communications strategy.

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AI and the Value of Creativity: A conversation with Jordan Ray

Jordan’s career in Communications has spanned over a decade, working with some of the best and brightest in the public and private sector. He was an early adopter of ChatGPT and other AI tools. So I spoke to him about his curiosity about AI, how he turned that into a training course for Communications professionals, and where he predicts the industry is moving.

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“Practice, practice, practice!”: Your best defense in a crisis

In our most recent episode of Comms In Question, Anne Marie Aikins asked panelists to talk about the government issues, personnel scandals and emergency response missteps that had Canadian communicators scrambling this year. Shannon Currie captures the top three things Marketing and Communications professionals need to do ahead of a crisis.

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